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Me sale que tiene virus 


There is no virus

Playing the game from the top I can't confirm my name and I'm stuck

it's nice but I really wish it kept its 3d art but it's still good for 2d.

i only can play Q1, and a black screen, did someone konw what i can do to fix it

add cute mode

(2 edits)

 I am so sorry Balm:no futa alowed!,no witerheds(only Toy Bone,Tot Chica,Toy Freddy) , no nightmers,no phantoms

add orgasm mode pls

nice to see you back, love how some of the designs from F:DB is being used as reference

Hello, is the game cool? Do you have plans to translate it into other languages, if so, which ones?

We don't have any plans for translation right now. 

So good but only one night😢


main complainant I have is the way the guy you play as looks. If you're going to make me the character you could at least give me some sort of character customization so he could look like me or hide the characters face.  because right now inside of it being me in the game it's just a guy with the same name as me.
Basically just let me be a white dude with brown hair


What other adult game allows you to do that? Do you know how much art it would take to fulfill that request? For everyone to have the character look like them? I understand your frustration but from a development standpoint it doesn't make sense.

(1 edit) (+1)(-5)

I'm not asking for a full on recreation just a skin color option but whatever I guess that is a hard ask for a game that uses 2d art instead of 3d models


Its so hard to put the skin color as an sprite that can be changed in any color? And in case you need to manually put the colors, you can't do the paint bucted thing? Where you change the whole sprite of the body whitout changing sprites like eyes, mouth and similar

How often are updates to the story supposed to be blam?


We're hoping to get an update out the end of this month or at the middle of next month. 


Why i open game and i see black screen 


It's good to see you're active again Blam.


FINALLY the web version is here now i can masterbate without downloading it


Glad to see someone is happy about it


i love this game and cant wait


Love the change of pace, hope youre enjoying too. Have a amazing one


Waaaaaaaaay too much dialogue. Where's the gameplay??


It's a visual novel- there's supposed to be dialogue?


Oh, my bad! For some reason when browsing on itch it didnt show the genre being visual novel. I assumed from the beginning it was going to be something else.


I love the story your creating cant wait for more and more with Mona and Vixy


How do I get to night 2?


Ok alittle short but that's ok im sure theres another update id say soon, it got my attention now haha, gonna rate it  too didnt big out at least eventhough it was a short part anyways but at least its gonna get my attention, i shall await next big update.


Gooood this is perfecto


Does anyone else remember Frida's?


I do. I created it. You'll see a revamp of it in the future. A pretty far future but the future none the less.


Good memories, except Puppet lol

(2 edits) (+1)

yo ive got issues with the mouse cursor being screwd soo cant rly play the game right


Why does my name change  after night 1? It keeps changing to Andre.


Sorry this bug went unsolved for awhile, it's been fixed for the next update though! Thank you for saying something about it <3


Hey i'm having an issue after doing the interview at the beginning i get a black screen and get continue but i can still quick save


Cool game asf


The game was so good! cant wait for the full game! heres my gameplay check it out! 


Okay, I played it on Mobile and I gotta say having MyDumbname to help out in the making of this game and having a VN and a Fnaf style game all the same is fun. And I went with Mona, Something about her makes me want to protect as well as have more content with her. But loving the girls you have made and the personalities of them.

(1 edit) (+2)

How do i flash the lights in mobile?? Im so confused




Excuse me, do you plan to add other languages? If yes, will you ever add Russian?


Its such a good game cant wait to see whats next


Is it strange that from the title, I thought this was going to be some Walten Files fangame? One of the main characters is called Bonbon so that's where my mind went.

Y si lo hago con toy  Bonnie  también pasa lo mismo

Estoy teniendo cita con mangle y después de eso se queda encogelado   el  juego 

Puede que sea un error de programación

Si el personaje se está acercando al jugador por qué no se ve el personaje cuando la linterna

Si el personaje está en el pasillo de la puerta cuando la alumbró por qué no está

She shows up in the window, not the door


Mommy me want boobies

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