BonBon's official Devlog #5
Hey everyone, Blam here. So we released the new BonBon update a few days ago, and I'm pretty happy to say it did well—apart from the few sour reviews about there not being a white MC option and some choice words about my little religious input at the beginning. You guys seem to enjoy the game and its direction, which makes me pretty happy.
.19 is already being made, we're in the starting stages of it right now, and it'll include the full content for day one. Which will include about- close to 15 events shared between the girls. Not counting the main events. We're in the beginning stages of planning out the game's content, we're writing BonBon's events as of right now. Each girl will have a few events, since BonBon and Mona got the bulk of content for pre-breakfast, They'll get the least content for day one. Characters like Nina, Vixy, and especially Ditsy will shine during Day One.
While myself and Ziel are planning out script writing, Qbee is currently working on transforming our former 3d environments (Backgrounds and Cameras) into 2d ones. MyDumbName fixed up a whole list of changes that you all asked for in the feedback form. Skip buttons, a textbox opacity slider, increased door button sized for android, etc. He's working hard and I have to thank him, this game wouldn't be possible without him.
That's about it for the Development side of things, now I'm gonna delve into some personal topics.
Recently I thought about whether I want to continue doing adult game development long term or not. As some of you may know, I currently develop 2 other nsfw games, those both being on my profile. And... I don't know, I have a bunch of ideas for future games, especially within the BonBon's universe. But... The more I develop, the more I kind of step away from my real-life goals and aspirations. One thing I want to do is become an actual game developer, like- something I could show off to my family and to a studio. Adult games aren't that... I can't exactly put the fact I've developed and produced multiple Nsfw games on my resume now can I?
So... that kind of puts me in a spot to ask myself if I want to continue. I mean, I enjoy developing these games. At times, things can get challenging, but creating and weaving together stories like this truly is something I can see myself doing until I leave this earth. But, I don't know if I can keep continuing in this medium. It's not about the money or about the community- it's everything else, this whole thing is like another part of me- and I feel like if I continue, It's gonna clash against every other part of my life- like my religion, relationships, and career.
So what does that mean? Well, I'm making it a personal goal to try and finish BonBon's before 2025 ends. Past that? I don't know. I don't want to leave my other projects hanging so I might stay for those... Until their end. But one day I could really just have one really bad day and I'll just exit out of everything, delete and take down the patreon- my discord- I'd probably leave the itch up so you could all still download the games I made. But Blamboozled might just drop off of the face of the earth and I'd go live a "normal" life- whatever that means.
Not saying that's going to happen but it's a possibility.
In any case, I'm restructuring the Patreon again, there's only gonna be 2 tiers. A 5$ tier and a 10$ tier. They're really only going to be there so I can pay my artists and writer- and you'll still get early access but it won't be broken up before with all the Alpha's and Betas. It'll just be Ninja and Ninjax2. But past that I don't think any more tiers are needed, maybe the 10$ tier will get sneak peeks behind game development but past that- the mass tiers and splitting up content so each tier feels valued is just too much for me... I think there's a leak in my roof....
Anyway, thank you guys for playing and god bless... Hmm, I might be leaving you guys with a bible verse at the end of each of these devlogs- I don't know, it makes me feel a bit more sane with what I'm doing. So don't leave hate messages about it, please.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Bye yall~
Get BonBon's
Status | In development |
Authors | Blam, MyDumbName |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | 2D, Adult, five-nights-at-freddys, Five Nights at Freddy's, Furry, Horror, Male protagonist, NSFW, Story Rich |
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- BonBon's official Devlog #467 days ago
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It's a shame there's this stigma around nsfw games. They're still games that people made, they're work they put in. The only difference is the amount of boobs you can look at. People treat it like its a cardinal sin.
Also black protagonists are cool and anyone who doesn't like them is lame as hell.
I see you are going thru alot rn through your religion and stuff. I just want this game to go as long as possible cuz I love it alot! Maybe its wild for me to say but if this game is really getting to you, you can try to switch ownership to someone else to clear your mind. Someone you trust maybe? IDK! Just me though worth to consider!
I see what you mean but that wouldn't really be possible. The only other writer I have isn't really here and we have everything talked out, all of my work and how I want the game to progress is in my head. All of the people working on the project are people I've known for years who only know their role. There's no one I could pass the game to for it to be developed, nor would I want to. Thank you for your input.
well i know when mona does get her spotlight i'll be there for you my lovely fox hehe again mona/mangle i love you so much and my heart will always belong to you. but besides me loving mona and all that. keep up the great work and don't push yourself too hard everyone i'm here for you all
tbh, I rlly only play these games cuz I like the story behind them. (I know how cliché that sounds) but I really see the nsfw part of it as a nice addon to the story. I personally am Christian and I have no problem with the race of the MC, he could be purple for all I care. Just keep doin what you do best man!
as someone who also believes in God but struggles with lust I respect what u are doing and how u feel in my opinion I feel like u should finish theses games u have and then do what u wanna do now it will be kinda tuff for me sense your like one of the only p*rn game developers that actually made a good fnaf porn game that works on android lol so it will be kinda tuff to lose one but that doesn’t matter what matters is that u are happy and u are proud of what u are doing in your life God bless 🙏
That makes me feel alot better, thank you.
np 🙏
I liked what you are doing so far. But the question is why not use renpy? it is built for this type of game you are making. The white choice thing is wild , but I can understand the religion thing if it comes off as forced. Some people don't want to be preach to.(I'm not saying that's my issues I'm saying be careful of how it is used in the context of the story. Some people are sour to the thought.)
I will love to see this game done by the end of this year. Also games take a long time and never really stay in the time frame you hope for. So I recommend not rushing the process. It is art after all.
I wanted the fnaf sit and survive aspect mixed in with a visual novel. It mixes horror that you can't really get in Renpy IMO, DN is making a lot of QOL edits to help it feel like renpy as much as possible. The white choice thing is wild but people are throwing us 1 stars because of it. I understand not wanting to be preached to, you won't be. My story just might use some aspects of the history of the bible, I'm not gonna throw Jesus in and have him preach a sermon, that'd be disrespectful.
the comments on being a non-white protagonist is just dumb, why should the race of the protag matter lets be honest.